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There are still a lot of good people that live among us, even though the majority of us have lost hope in humanity. Of course, nice people are quite hard to find today, but this list will maybe make you realize that they sure do exist.

1. Life lessons can be taught in the most simple way.

 Image Source: Reddit

When it comes to educating the next generation, it’s important to show them how to behave like a nice person. This is exactly what this amazing guy did when he decided to stop and buy a cup of lemonade from a child. 

2. Not all heroes wear capes

 Image Source: Reddit

It seems like someone noticed an open sunroof on an SUV and decided to place an umbrella on top so it didn’t get wet from the inside. 

3. Another stranger covering an open window of a vehicle 

 Image Source: Imgur 

It’s pretty common for people to leave their windows and sunroof open. But once the weather starts going bad, this can mean that the inside of your car can get quite damaged. In this case, a stranger was kind enough to help cover the car’s windows with a plastic bag

4. A past memory improvised 

 Image Source: Imgur

 Someone was very lucky to find a couple of dollars left by the last user to rent out the DVD. Such a wholesome thing! 

5. Yup, this really happened

 Image Source: Imgur

 It seems that a stranger wanted to help in making this world a better place. Let’s just hope that it creates a chain reaction that goes on for much longer 

6. This stranger is so sweet

 Image Source: Reddit

The elderly man sure looked like he wanted to play his favorite game. So this stranger came over and played chess with him! 

7.Very kind neighbours

 Image Source: Reddit

Sometimes foreigners are the people with the biggest hearts. 

8. A new companion 

 Image Source: Reddit

This photo can make all of us smile because of the wholesome reason behind it. The man gained a new friend just by being kind and caring.

 9. A sweet text back to avoid an uncomfortable situation 

Image Source: Reddit

This is something we might only expect to see in meme photos on Facebook. But these sort of happenings occur more often then we might think. However, the person who received this mistaken text handled it pretty smoothly. 

10. Helping a pregnant woman with her food cravings

Image Source: Reddit

Despite not knowing the pregnant woman, this kind stranger opened their home to her and let her eat as much as she pleased. Such a sweet story! 

11. A stranger helping a kid drive to school

Image Source: Reddit

Sometimes we really need these kinds of stories to motivate others into doing better things for our community. 

12. A complete stranger lets this child play basketball while using their hoop

Image Source: Reddit

If people would always act like this, the world would certainly be a better place 

13. Making somebody’s day  

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Usually people never enjoy their neighbors playing music. But in this case, a couple tried to motivate their neighbor to continue practicing being a musician with this sweet letter! 

14. Elderly man helps stranger fix his tie

 Image Source: Reddit

 When people commute, they often meet some interesting strangers. Sometimes these interesting strangers tend to change your day or even your life. Once this elderly man saw a man you’re not being able to fix his tie, he immediately stepped in to help him

15. Giving a homeless man an opportunity

Image Source: Reddit

This is a clear representation that each one of us deserves a second chance if they mess up in life 

16. Parenthood can be quite hard sometimes

 Image Source: Imgur

It’s common for kids to throw a tantrum in public. This can sure make parents feel embarrassed and overwhelmed. That is why a stranger paid this family’s tab and even wrote them a short note to make them feel better. 

17. Another great example that shows foreigners having the biggest hearts

 Image Source: Reddit

18. If all strangers were like this…

 Image Source: Reddit

 Many of us go through a lot and we have to find the need to open up to somebody. This person proved to be a kind hearted human being

19. Giving the last remaining product to another stranger 

Image Source: Reddit

During hurricane Irma, Lowes was able to sell a lot of generators. This man was about to buy the last generator in stock, but decided to give it to a woman that needed more. Turns out she actually needed it to help her father with his oxygen life-support system!

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